Thursday 2 July 2020

Garish watercolours and feeding ducks!

I have a small set of watercolour pens, may have got them at the same time as the watercolour pencils. Both sets have very bright, garish colours, but I fancied trying to do something without any drawing first. The results are very bright, not my thing at all really, but I enjoyed trying using them and maybe if you look round and pay more you could get a more subtle collection!

This morning I went round to see David and Sarah, first house I have visited since before lockdown. David’s birthday today but social distancing observed. He really liked the card and could see what it was straight away, so that was good.
I got home just in time to catch the Ringtons man and then did some household chores, the sort of things you keep leaving because nobody really sees them!
This afternoon the weather had improved, it had rained most of the morning, so Tina and I sorted out the duck food and thought we would head for a pond! She drove to Burton Agnes, turned the car round by the gatehouse of the stately home.
Plenty of ducks and geese at the pond and some babies, some well grown and some really tiny ones. They enjoyed the food.

One pretty stranger in the camp!
On the way home she pulled in at Ulrome pond, not a duck to be seen but it looked lovely, great reflections,
Then we stopped at Atwick pond and at first though there were no ducks there but then noticed them all laying on the grass near the pond. Soon started moving when they realised food was on offer!

We did call in at B & Q before heading home, I wanted to get some tester pots for painting boxes and other craft projects but they had very few on offer. We did get four cosmos plants which I planted at the top of the bank in the back garden before we had tea.
May try another Talking Heads tonight.


  1. The colours are bright, but look ok. Maybe a subject other than flowers would be better. Can’t think of one at the moment though.
    Glad you got out to visit Sarah and David for a while. I’m sure you were very good regarding the distancing rules, but when it comes down to it we all need to start “mingling” again. Just a case of being sensible and cautious. Both of which I’m sure you are.
    Nice little trip out with the rev too. The ducks all look very happy to see you. I don’t suppose they’ve been fed as regular lately. You got some lovely pics of them. I do like the one of the pond with the reflections too. Very nice.

    1. No point not being sensible after all this time, even if others are acting like all is well now. Was good to see his reaction to the card.
      Was good to see some baby birds, thought we had missed out on that this year and some were very tiny.
