Thursday 23 July 2020

Lovely visit to Driffield

This morning we had decided to go Leven as we had been told there was a sort of farmers market in the pub car park. This turned out to be false information so Tina suggested that we take a trip to Driffield. We have only been once before and we really liked it. We stopped to look at the canal where we had a picnic just before lock down.

Although it was green on the surface where the lock hadn’t been used and opened the water was actually still very clear.
There were so many tiny hover flies on the weeds and grasses. I tried to get a picture, if you zoom in on this one you should see a couple!
We managed to get a place in the free car park in Driffield and walked into the main town. Had a browse in the market and then had coffee and a delicious piece of lemon cheese cake at a delightful little cafe. Then we went to explore and found a fabulous shoe shop that had 20% off everything. Lots of lovely leather shoes and sandals and wide enough for my feet! I am delighted with my purchase and Tina got a nice pair of sandals too.
We got some bird food supplies and more paints, tester pots, and I got another tin of quick drying varnish! Then we drove to Cranswick Garden Centre, we had never been before but it was lovely. We had lunch and the cafe was very well organised for safety and social distancing. I took a phot of the van because we loved the name of the street!
I bought a small flower pot because I liked it and it raised money for Mind. Also got some great bargains of the one pound offer table!
Tina bought a weed burner which she was very happy about and has been out playing with it tonight!
I watered the back garden and took pictures of the teasel and the shaggy daisy!
Last night I had to give up on the chair as it seemed to have given up the ghost completely. But today I have managed to get it into a reasonable position and have unplugged it, so fingers crossed it won’t be moving in the night! Fingers crossed the new one will be delivered tomorrow.


  1. A shame the farmers market wasn’t on at Leven, but it looks like your trip to Driffield made up for it. The lock does look a bit weedy but actually looks quite nice in the photo. I’m sure once the boats get moving again normally it will soon clear.
    You two certainly know how to enjoy yourselves when you’re out. The lemon cheesecake sounded very tempting and I’m sure it was lovely. And then dinner out too, very nice. I know how you struggle to get shoes the right size so getting those was a bonus. All in all a nice time and some bargains too, what more could you want.
    Love the weed burner. I bet it would be good for the odd stray cat or two as well! Nearly as good as a crossbow.
    Hopefully tonight will be the last night you have to sleep in the rickety chair. I’m sure the other one will definitely be delivered tomorrow.

    1. A really nice day, Driffield is a bit out of the way but a really lovely little town.nfar more people wearing masks there than in Hornsea which was interesting,
      We were only saying today that it is good we both get pleasure from the same sort of things makes for enjoyable and easy going trips.
      I will be interested to see how well the weed burner has worked, Tina has had one before.
      I am sure he will come good with the chair delivery tomorrow.
