Friday 10 July 2020

Pretty easy day

I went to see Sarah and David this morning as it is their wedding anniversary. I have been out to the shops a couple of times but haven’t done much else. I bought a tub of fat balls for the birds and took it down to the greenhouse.took a few photos in the garden for a change! The teasels have been well buffeted by the wind but are still spectacular.

Late afternoon I got the other two headbands made, so that I can get back into mask making.
Then I started cutting out some mask pieces from the material I bought yesterday. I had washed it last night. I have given up now as the standing has really set my knees off.
Tina and I both made auction bids and we both won items. We are going to another auction there tomorrow so will collect them then.


  1. An easyish day every now and then is a good thing. You’ve still been productive though. Looks like you’ve got a mask making production line on the go. Some nice looking materials again, so definitely not drank looking masks for northerners 😊
    The garden is still looking very colourful. Bet those sunflowers you posed with the other day are a good foot taller than you now!
    Glad you’re bids won at the auction as it’s a really good reason to have another trip out tomorrow. You’ll probably end up winning more items while you’re there. Have fun.

  2. It was a quieter day, wish I could say it has made the knees feel better.
    They were nice bits of material I got yesterday, reasonably big pieces.
    Will be able to take a picture of our successes tomorrow.
