Wednesday 29 July 2020

Gardening, bus ride and chips by the sea!

Yesterday evening we put the water feature on again to see how it lit  in the dark. Not a great picture but a cute little feature.
This morning the first job in the garden was digging up the English Bluebell bulbs ready for replanting in the autumn. They didn’t flower well this year and they had gone quite deep and crammed together so hopefully we will have a show of them as well as the Spanish invaders! I hoed round the edge of the large flower bed and then decided ai needed to try and get the teasels off the ground!
They had been really tall but the winds had almost flattened them and they were crushing any plants underneath as they have huge stems and are heavy as well as extremely spiky! I started with canes and a cast iron plant stand I had, they were just not man enough for the job and I was getting well scratched! I spotted the four pronged weed remover and thought that might be strong enough to support them alongside the plant stand, it was a bit of a battle getting the string round the stems and hauling them up, but they are not sort of upright. They are misshapen at the moment as the were frowning up towards the light from the horizontal position.

After a sit down and coffee I did a bit more clearing in the bed, it won’t last but looks better for now!
This afternoon I caught the bus up to Freeport. Quite busy there so I kept the mask on. I caught the bus back as well as my legs have been pretty painful today and I was struggling, especially after ai had queued to get served at Pound Stretcher.
I have spent some time doing a complex puzzle, a sort I haven’t done before. Difficult to explain and I really thought I would never get the hang of it but persevered and actually completed it without cheating!
Tina suggested we go and have chips by the see, we did just have a portion of chips each and a cup of tea. It was surprisingly quiet and we got a bench. It was a beautiful evening although the breeze was chilly.

When we got home had to take another picture of the yucca flowers.
I am loving my leg rest, it is so comfortable even when the legs are being tiresome.
Going to watch a program and Princess Anne at seventy this evening,


  1. The little water feature looks quite good lit up. It’s good that you are making good use of the electrician hard work.
    Very inventive work making the teasels stand up again. It’s amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it. It definitely looks a lot better now you’ve got it all tided, but as you say it won’t last long. It’s just the same with cleaning, everything looks so nice once you’ve cleaned and dusted, and within a couple of days it’s back to how it was. Waste of time 😊 at least you got out for a little trip to Freeport. A bag of chips by the sea sounds a perfect teatime to me, chilly or not!
    Enjoy your program while using the leg rest.

    1. I was pleased when I managed to get the teasels a little more upright. They are in flower now and the bees are enjoying them.
      I would have liked to walk back from Freeport but sadly I just wouldn’t have made it.
      It was nice to have chips by the sea, and quiet enough to to sit out on the bench and enjoy them
