Thursday 16 July 2020

Filey Bird Garden part three!

Hopefully I will be able to post the rest of the selected pictures on this part, but not holding my breath!
A truly delightful place, I am sure we will visit again. I did take over eighty photos so had to be pretty selective. He had a drink when we arrived but they didn’t do lunches so we went to Eastfield Garden Centre for lunch. Then we went to Morrison’s and did a big shop.
When we got home my bowl stands had arrived, they are just the right size but not going to push my luck and add the picture tonight, that can go on the post tomorrow.
Tina and I sat and did a couple of puzzles before Darren arrived home, so all in all a lovely day.


  1. I can’t remember what those little birds were called but they were sooo cute. The macaw took a liking to us and was up close and personal! There were quite a few meerkats, we can see why people love them, they are funny,

  2. Meerkats are really cute. Bet they’re vicious little beggars really 😊
