Monday 20 July 2020

Monday Monday

Yesterday evening the sky was quite pretty but down low by the time I realised so could have got better shots. But haven’t put many sky shots of late.

This morning Tina drove us up to the garden centre straight after morning prayers, we went to look at hedgehog houses. They didn’t have any that had removable lids so we decided to get one on line. Did get some suet blocks for the birds though. Tina dropped me off at the post office on the way back as I had a package to send off. I walked up to the sea and it was really glistening in the sun. Usually that doesn’t show in the pictures but today I did manage to catch it.

I did get out and do a little bit of gardening, small amount of weeding and got the tray of plants put in. Emptying the weeds in the bin I saw that the huge plants at the front are flowering.
This afternoon I lined the wooden box I had done the pyrography on and got the hinges and clasp back on. Hopefully I will think of someone that night like it!

Went to see Sarah and David for a while this evening, that was a regular Monday evening thing before lock down!


  1. It had been a while since you did the sky pics. Those ones are nice though, as are the pics of the glistening water. Always nice to get to the sea, and even better to get a lift part of the way.
    Hedgehogs in the garden now.....with houses soon 😊 You really do have a mini zoo in the making there. Still plenty of wildlife is a good, thing.....until you have to feed it all!
    Those plants are huge in the front garden, you look like you’re in the jungle.
    That is a nice box. Good colour choice for the inside.
    Nice to get out to visit friends again. We all have to try to get back to normal as much as possible.

    1. It has been a reasonably easy day with a bit of variety. The sea was beautiful today so ai was pleased to manage to get the glistening effect
      Hopefully the hedgehog house won’t be too complicated. We will feed it the cat food that the little darlings turn their noses up at!
      Very disappointed with the quality of the boxes, will try painting or decoupage on the others.
