Sunday 5 July 2020

Evening walk by the sea

I have had a bit of a feeling anyhow day today, not exactly bored or fed up but just not knowing what to do with myself! I did some housework and washing this morning so things must have been bad!
I did do some tidying up in the greenhouse this afternoon and decanted some of the bird food. Something darted across the floor, either a mouse or a very big spider! Pandora came in and was very interested in the area the creature had gone so presumably I did have a mouse for company. Shooed Pandora our as I would rather have a life one for company!
I put new canes by the sunflowers and supported them, one is almost as tall as me now. Couple of tomatoes in the little plastic greenhouse as well.
Almost forgot that yesterday evening I remembered I had a pack of sticky back card and have lined the top of the box I have been decorating. Finishes it off a treat.
I actually made a meat pie for dinner which turned out really well and we have rhubarb crumble, rhubarb from the garden, later when we have room for it!
Tina suggested driving down to the sea front and having a short walk it there weren’t too many people about. Lovely evening and pretty quiet. Took a few pics, only with the phone but the wind farm was quite visible tonight and I loved the young gulls enjoying the quiet beach!


  1. I think we all get days like that. Luckily you don’t seem to get too many, you usually have loads of things lined up to keep you occupied. You were desperate if housework was the best you could think of!
    The box looks really nice with that colour. Finishes it off a treat.
    I’ve not made a meat pie for ages, bet it was nice. I’m sure you’ll all find room for pudding later 😊
    Considering you only had the phone, you’ve got some really nice pic of the beach. I think the second one is really nice with those clouds hanging from the top.
    Hope tomorrow proves to be a more decisive day for you.

  2. Hopefully it will be a more positive day tomorrow, don’t like the way I have felt today but an evening look at the sea was a good way to round the day off.
    Pleased with the box, have some plain ones to decorate now.
    Really pleased with the quality of the pics I get with the phone, just hasn’t got a lot of zoom.
