Thursday 30 July 2020

Memory, leaving party in Ghana

When I had stayed my two months in Ghana I arranged to have a party at the orphanage and ordered pop and some goodies. The children had three meals a day, very much the same and only ever drank rainwater or from the well. They all wore their school clothes and it was lovely and sad at the same time. I had loved being there although it was very hard at times and the thought of coming back and having decadent things like warm water was a pleasant thought, and even more so a proper toilet!!

Back to today, I made a flap on the throw I use as a cover on the chair in the hope that I would not be fighting to keep covered in the night. That worked, which is good, just need to sort out the pillow now!
I have been really achy for a couple of days now so walking at the moment has become less than enjoyable, but went out with 
Tina today and we enjoyed it, and not too much walking involved. We went and had lunch at a garden centre and I bought some bird food for a change and a very pretty plant and a few veggie plants. The foliage plant is a coleus but I have never seen one in this lovely colour before.
Then we went and did a grocery shop at Lidl near Beverley. Not overly busy in there but I was feeling weary by the time we were back at the car.
We sat in the summer house for a little while this afternoon and I got Tina doing one of the quite complex puzzles I have take a liking to. We enjoy working on puzzles together, keeping the brain cells active!
Tina ordered a dear little solar fountain a while back, it is very tiny and does work, it was gong a bit higher than this earlier!
Took this last picture when I went out to water the bonsai trees. This tree has been in a pot left to it for a couple of years now. Looking beautiful, time I found it a nice pot I think!
I lied! Not the last picture, took one of the sky while I was out there!


  1. I know you enjoyed your time in Ghana even though it was hard at times. I wonder what happened to all those children. Not something you’ll ever be able to find out I’m sure. If you were only longing for warm water and a proper toilet then I think you did very well.
    Glad you and Tina managed to get out for a bit of shopping and a ride around. Shame it was a bit spoilt because of the walking. What vegetables are you going to grow?
    Sounds like Tina went into the summer house to relax. Then you give her puzzles to do, and pretty hard puzzles at that. Definitely not my idea of relaxing. You two are mad!
    You really seem to do well with the bonsai. Just goes to show that they seem to do as well left to their own devices as they do when you spend hours doing the roots etc.
    Nice pic to finish on.

    1. I have really enjoyed seeing the Ghana pictures again, it was a big deal for me and I had been anxious before going in case I couldn’t cope with the heat. In the end I coped fine and loved that I lived alongside a family that had very little but made their guests welcome.
      Was a nice trip today and the food cupboard is stocked up again now,
