Friday 3 July 2020

Clothes shopping!

I did the exercises again this morning but have to say that at the moment I think they are making the knees hurt more! I will continue for a while and presume for now that they are reacting to more specific exercises. Having said that they have been really bad during the day today so will see how it goes. Tina had made an appointment for us to go along to Missy the little independent clothes shop in the town. I have had several things from there and really like the range. Tina hadn’t been before but enjoyed browsing. The owner has opened this week but is having people on by appointment only.nat the moment she is selling them at 50% off. I bought a pair of trousers and three tops, got Tina to take a picture of me in the trousers and top that I bought because I think they went well together. We didn’t try them on there but she would have let us return them if necessary.

Tina did buy a couple of tops as well.
After lunch I removed the hinges and clasp from a box I had to decorate and planned to use one of the new tester pots.
I think the tester pots with the roller on top would be great for the job they are intended for, painting a patch on the wall, but for crafting not so good! Just getting the top off I managed to spray my top and later when I decided to remove the roller as I wanted to get some paint to use a brush. Not the brightest of moves, it pinged off and hit my trousers on the way to the carpet! Anyway, one way or another I have for a layer of paint on.
I went out with Tina late afternoon to deliver letters to her parishioners updating them on the latest details about church services. Getting in and out of the car tested my knees, it hasn’t been a good day with them today.
Darren kindly went out to get fish and chips for Tina and myself, he had already had fish and chips himself today at work.
Nothing too active tonight that’s for sure.


  1. Hopefully the exercises will actually do some good once you’ve done them for a while. At least you’re persevering. I suspect a lot of people would give up.
    Nice to get out and do some proper shopping for a change. I really like the top and trousers. They go together well. Definitely suit you.
    Oh dear. The roller paint didn’t turn out to be a good idea. I hope the paint came of the carpet and clothes. Nice box though.
    Sounds like you finished off the knees this evening. Maybe a very quiet day in tomorrow, with a lot of sitting!

    1. It was really nice going to the shop and with just the two of us browsing it was quite a different experience. Really pleased with my purchases and being half price was a real bonus.
      I can smile about the paint now but the air was a little blue at the time!
      Won’t be doing a lot tomorrow if there isn’t much improvement in the knees!
