Tuesday 7 July 2020

More Ghana memories, craft and sea

More Ghana photos have popped up on my feed, at the orphanage they collected rain water and stores it in large black containers. When the water ran out the children had to walk to the well to top them up. Stronger necks than me, that’s for sure.

I didn’t have many trips out while I was there but did join the other volunteers on a trip to a waterfall.
Today I have done a bit of clearing in the front garden and some weeding in the back. Tried to get a selfie of me with the sunflowers as they really are growing.
This afternoon I got the pyrography tools out and had a practice, it has been a good while and I am more that a little rusty!

I had dinner with Tina and Darren and then we all drove up to Mappleton. The cliffs are eroding. Last time we went there were lots of cars but this time it was very quiet.

A lovely way to round off the day.


  1. You must have great memories of Ghana. It was something you just had to do. You certainly don’t lead a boring life like some of us do.
    The sunflowers do shoot up very quickly. Doubt you’ll get any more pics of them the same height as you. Probably will have grown six inches by morning!
    Looks like it didn’t take you long to get back into the pyrography. Some nice items there.
    Lovely to get out for a ride after tea, and even better that you all went for a change. Some lovely pics. I like the simple one of the poppies overlooking the sea. Those cliffs are definitely taking a battering. Powerful stuff all that water!

    1. Quite a full day in the end with some gardening to keep it under control, we’ll at least try!
      It is lovely to get the photos of Ghana pop up, brings it all back as if it was much closer that thirteen years ago!
      Will have another go with the pyrography soon.
