Saturday 18 July 2020

Painting and more Ghana memories

I have felt quite weary today but did do some shopping this morning and sat and did some puzzles. I have taken out a subscription to The Puzzler magazine and they send some puzzles via email to print eat month as part of the deal. Tina printed them off for me and a couple I will save to do with Tina at some point.
Photo wise I will add a couple more from the Ghana experience all those years ago. Me teaching the children the Hokey Cokey which was  fun.
And a huge termite hill at the farm where I did some painting.
I have been planning to paint on an enamel watering can and Tina printed me off a barge painting design. I tried the first attempt on a very rough stone, it didn’t work greatly but it was a practice run.
Then I tried the first side of the little wooden wheelbarrow that I had painted black.

It will be much easier on a full sized watering can!
I think Darren and I are braving the boot sale in the morning.


  1. I think weariness is the order of the day today.
    I do like seeing the Ghana pics, I remember the originals well. In the one where you’re teaching the kids, there are two women in the background, and if you zoom in on them they are looking at you as if you’re totally mad 😊 I’m glad we don’t have termites like that here. I thought mole hills were bad enough!
    I really like the stone. Not sure why you say it didn’t work great.y, as I think it’s great. You artists are all the same 😊
    Quite like the little wheelbarrow too. Hope those lids are firmly on those paint tins?
    I envy you going to the boot sale. I’d love to go to one and have a rummage. I must find out about the ones I my neck of the woods. I’m sure you’ll find loads of junk.....sorry, bargains!

  2. Those children were such a delight and had few possessions and a pretty hard life.
    As you say, glad we don’t have termite hills like that!
    Hopefully by the time I get to the watering can I will have the painting well and truly cracked!
    I just home it is not too busy in the morning.
