Saturday 4 July 2020

Sea and craft

My knees were a little easier this morning, not that improvement was difficult from yesterday. I had a package ready to send to 
America so thought I would try and get to the post office. I did manage it, thought the package was light but cost a fair bit to send it! I made my way up to the sea front but did get a take away hot chocolate today and had a sit down. Sea white calm today as the wind had died down.

Can just make out the wind farm in that one.
My cow milk jug has got a second job now, looks cute with a sweet pea hat!
I went across to the greengrocer and was looking at the pansies on the gravel, some are getting really big. Manage to ease a couple out complete with their roots and planted them straight into the garden.
One of Tina’s parishioners asked if I would make some headbands, I found a pattern and Tina printed it for me. The pattern didn’t print quite the right size so the first attempt was a little tight. I did adjust the pattern and made another one which she has collected now, if they are suitable I will make two more for her.
I put a thin layer of varnish on the box I was panting and lined the inside with some white felt. Not sure what else I will do, may add jewels or line inside the lid, I will give it some thought.
Putting the hinges and clasp back on was fun!


  1. Really like the first pic. Great way to start the blog. Glad you got to the front, and even better that you had hot chocolate too. Hope the knees didn’t suffer too badly from the exercise.
    The milk jug makes a good flower vase 😊 Glad it gets used, regardless of the use.
    I like the headband. Great material. You get some great little tasks to do. You’re getting well known around there 😊
    The box came out nice with a coat of paint. Think you definitely need to line the inside of the lid. A nice shade of maroon!

    1. Knees haven’t been too bad today, I haven’t done too much exercise wise for the rest of the day.
      She supplied the material, it is great fun.
      The sweet peas smell really nice, surprising how it fills the room from such a small bunch.
      I had thought deep red or purple for the lid.
