Friday 17 July 2020

Depressing or soul destroying, depends on your mood!

I have had a couple of more restful night and decided to go and do a bit of light gardening, but once out there did some heavier clearing. Places that I have done more than once since lockdown and the battle with the ground elder will never be won. This morning I concentrated on the area by the wall the other side of the walled garden. I had a new plant to put in but needed to clear the area again before it gets even more out of hand.
I can go quite deep with that new arrow spear shaped hoe so did manage to remove quite a lot of the root.
Took a couple of pictures from that side of the garden so a different perspective.

We bought some Marmite peanut butter when shopping yesterday so I had some on toast for lunch. I love it, the jar won’t last long!!
We also bought a couple of hollyhock plants yesterday and decided that they would go nicely either side of the steps in front of the summer house. But, you have guessed it. The area that was cleared not so long ago was again a sea of green.
I didn’t include the apple tree in that picture which is a pity as the roots were completely overgrown. I used to lob roots in the gaps in the early days and they had all grown! So I took some time trying to get them properly exposed. The second picture is dark but you can see the roots.

I said I would get dinner tonight as Tina had bought back some great cauliflowers from her trip!
So quite weary tonight but good to have done a bit in the garden as I haven’t done much for about a week.


  1. Oh my. Both depressing and soul destroying I think. Not one or the other! I give you great credit for keeping at it. I’d have given up long ago and hired a gardener, or lots of gravel or concrete! It’s all just so never ending. Big gardens are nice, but only if someone else does it 😊 I have to say it does look good where you’ve weeded today though.
    I quite like the two pics from the side for a change. A different outlook.
    At least you enjoyed your break for lunch. I’ve not tried that marmite yet, but it was recommended to me. Must get some to try.
    Love the cauliflowers. I could eat them every day, they’re so nice.
    Hope you get a good night again tonight to make it three in a row. 🤞🏻

  2. A lot of places in the garden have become really overgrown now so hopefully I will keep the desire going to do something about it!
    I really like peanut butter and I like marmite, really good combination if you like them!
    Those cauliflowers have a bit more body than the regular ones.
