Tuesday 21 July 2020

Disappointment but good bit of gardening in the end

I went out into the garden this morning, in fact I ended up doing a lot for about three hours if not more. I hadn’t been going that long when a package arrived and it was the hedgehog house ordered yesterday. Tina had to go out so I was going to try and get it assembled while she was out. That wasn’t to be, the box was damaged but we had hoped that the contents had survived, but sadly there was significant damage to the roof.

So it was back to the gardening! I worked on the large front bed with the sign in, lots of established plants now, but also many dead poppies and bindweed and general weeds! I didn’t take before pictures but bit take a couple of the bed when I had finished. I also discovered a fantastic dahlia flower and that one of the gladioli had actually opened, both hidden by huge poppies.

At the side of the large bed I have a tamarix, my history with them is not good, what with cats and flying sheds! This ne is healthy enough but very fragile and it was almost laying down with the effects of the wind. So I I used canes to support it.
In th e centre of the front lawn the yucca flowers are opening, they look stunning when more of the blooms are out.
I was pleased with the clearance I did and with the large poppy plants removed you can focus more on the colour that is there. Have left a couple of poppies to seed.

We packed up the hedgehog house to be returned and went off to the shop that has a collection point, but we hadn’t checked the opening times and they only take the packages until 4pm. But Tina did drive back via the sea and I had a hot chocolate and she had a softer ice cream. Nice clouds tonight.

On a different note I will have to get sewing to make some more masks. Today I have given out three in the town and a friend in Kent has asked for a few more. I am never short of something to do it I get bored!


  1. Shame about the hedgehog house, but the wood does look extremely thin, so probably best it goes back and you get a better version. Hope these hedgehogs realise how much effort is going into homing them 😊
    Some really nice pics from the garden today. The dahlia looks great. I know your history with the tamerix plants very well. You’ve not had much luck with them over the years. That one looks about the healthiest I’ve seen in your possession! The weeds have soon grown in the gravel. Didn’t you and Tina clear all that not so long ago? It’d look great with some tarmac on it 🙄
    Another varied day for you, but the trip to the sea, and hot chocolate always rounds it off. Specially if you don’t have to walk.
    Making masks is at least easier than gardening. As for you getting bored, I can’t see that happening.....ever!

  2. There is weed and grass in the gravel but a lot of that in the picture is self sewn pansies which we are leaving.
    We have ordered a better hedgehog house now, it won’t be here for a couple of weeks but will be ready to use, no assembly involved.
    We do have some nice plants in the garden now, pity about the battle with the weeds.
    It was nice to finish the day by the sea.
