Friday 1 May 2020

No gardening and some rain!

I will start with a couple of pictures from yesterday evening, the first one looked like the rain might come and the second one Darren came up to tell me about.

There was some rain last night but not a lot, we have had a couple of heavier showers today but they didn’t last long. But at least we did get some. This morning I remembered to take a picture of the new flower when I went out to feed the birds.
Very pretty, will take one another day when the sun is shining. This morning I did walk around the garden for just over forty minutes. Not that fast and my knee was twinging a bit but walked in the front and back so had different surfaces as well. Then I made a coffee and walnut cake.
When I checked my emails I had one of my regular National Geographic ones and there was this amazing picture of wild honey bees. They are not protected photos so was able to save it.
This afternoon I had a ride out with Tina. She wanted to go and get some meat from a farm shop a few miles away. I stayed in the car while she went into the shop and I stayed in the car again when we drove home via the sea. The shop was empty but I have stayed away from everything this long it seemed wrong to chance it today! When we got home I iced the cake!
I will finish today with photos of my fabulous birthday flowers.


  1. That’s a very ominous cloud. I’m surprised you didn’t get a good downpour from that. But some is better than none I suppose.
    The pics you post of the sun behind the trees always look like fires. Make for a great pic though. The mauve flower does look nice. As you say a bit of sun on it would show it off a bit better. I thought the cake looked nice when it was plain, but it looks extremely delicious with the icing and walnuts on top! Bet that went down a treat.
    Wow, the bee pic is fantastic. I wonder how long it took and how many the actually had to take to get that one? It is fantastic though. Think I might as well just throw my camera away after seeing that!
    Glad you got out for a little ride. Definitely best not to “mingle” to much at the minute, but hopefully it won’t be too long before you can again.
    You did well for flowers on your birthday. Really pretty, and I bet they smell nice too.

  2. That really is a brilliant photo fo the bees. Good that you can keep them too.
    The flowers do smell lovely and they have opened up beautifully.
    Tina wouldn’t have stopped me going in with her, it just didn’t feel right. I am content to wait until restrictions are lifted.
