Tuesday 5 May 2020

Much more lively today!

Had a reasonable night and wasn’t so achy this morning which was a good start. I did walk to the post box before I fed the birds, another lovely day.
After having a cuppa with Tina after she had done morning prayers I went out into the garden with the intent to weed the right hand bed in the front garden. Quite a bit of wee again but on looking at it thought I would try and weed the gravel as well!
I worked at it for a good part of the morning, I did put my garden wrist supports on as getting through the weeds in the gravel was quite hard work.
At lunch time Tina said ‘Oh, you have a rash’. I couldn’t see it in the Morrow so she took a photo! Looks more like a scratch or scrape, it is still there but not worse, I wonder if I scraped it with the splint in the night as I have no recollection of anything scratching me!
I took a chair into the front garden for a while as I was expecting deliveries of bird feed. Pandora came out and was chilling by my feet while I was sketching.
I only took out pencils and a small pad, but am really pleased with this little sketch.
This evening Tina and I both went into the garden for a bit, I put is some plants while she began clearing the gravel near the entrance. I did do a bit more clearing of the gravel but not too much, but every little helps as they say!
The weather looks set fair so hopefully I will feel like getting out and doing a bit more tomorrow.


  1. You and that post box. Are you trying to keep Royal Mail afloat single handedly?
    Definitely a big difference in the before and after pics today. Hope it didn’t make your wrists ache, even with the supports on. Gravel isn’t the easiest thing to weed, specially if you have to do it on your hands and knees.
    That does look like a scratch on your face. Are you sure Pandora hasn’t been lashing out during the night?
    Love the drawing. Bet it didn’t take you long to do it either. I know it would cost a fortune, but you should have them all framed and hanging.
    I’m sure you’ll get make it to the garden tomorrow for a bit more toil. In fact I think it’s a done deal, unless someone nails all the doors closed during the night 😊

  2. I didn’t time myself with the drawing but maybe half an hour or a bit longer. Wasn’t sure when I started with the museum building, but ended up being pleased with it.
    I didn’t get on hands and knees, used a he to pull the stones back and then deep hoed the ones I couldn’t pull out. So quite a lot of pressure on the wrists. But you can definitely see where I have been. Tina did a good bit at the entrance as well and she does get on her knees. She has plenty of practice!
