Thursday 30 April 2020

Still no real rain!

The paths were a little damp this morning but the soil in the beds were barely coloured, so very little rain. We had one shower of about two minutes today so this evening we have watered again! When I went to bed my left ankle was painful and when I got up I could not put a lot of weight on it, but thankfully that has eased as the day has progressed. I don’t need any more joints to get in on the act! When I went out to feed the birds early Itook this picture of the sky, no particular reason, no nice colours but quite striking and from a different standpoint than usual.
I did go out into the front to carry on where I left off yesterday. That part of the bed is getting full of cornflower plants, and much as I like the flowers themselves it is an evasive plant that sends out runners and smothers anything else in its path. So the work today involved more digging that usual to remove as much of the root as possible.
Tina came out and joined  me for a while and was removing some of the grass and weed from the gravel. We had gone into the parish hall earlier to water the orchids, we had left them too long and some were looking less than happy! Back to the garden. I did work for quite a while, the whole of the bed is not yet done, but a pretty good start.
This afternoon I walked round the garden for a while and Tina was cleaning the paintwork and windows along the patio. They really do get mucky and not a job we have got round to that often!
Tina got some more wooden pegs at Countdown and I have made three more crosses this afternoon, the pile is growing!
We have just watered the back garden, spotted a lovely new flower that has just opened, will take a picture of that tomorrow.
Tonight is clapping night, which is now extended to two minute silence, clapping and then singing happy birthday to Captain Tom!


  1. I’m sure you’ll get some decent rain before long. We’ve had a bit here today.
    You certainly don’t want any more joints deciding to pack up. You’ll soon need a full complement replacing!
    Quite like the first pic. Doesn’t need a lot of colour in it. The little lens flare is good. You have a multitude of things and angles to discover in that garden yet.
    The bed you started looks a bit different after some serious digging. That won’t do the ankle much good though will it? Tut tut! Marginally better than being on your hands and knees on the gravel pulling out weeds though. Better to leave that to the younger members of the household 😊 That’s the trouble with living in a big house with a big garden, weeds everywhere and lots of windows to clean! Bet the Rev will ache a bit tonight too.
    That’s a lot of pegs you’ve used for those crosses and I bet there’ll be a few more yet.
    I think Captain Tom will have had a great day today, and he deserves it all!

    1. I liked that first photo.
      Did work quite hard on that bed but did stop before it was completed so trying to be careful. Pleased with the progress though.
      Tina May well be a bit achy tomorrow but not too bad I hope.
      I have used all the pegs I have just have to hope they stay stuck now!
