Thursday 28 May 2020

Bad portraits and goodbye tin man!

Last night and today I have been trying to do self portraits, some negative opinions about too old and too haggard but the more I try the less they look by me. So giving up, and if I do eventually try again will only post one if it seems a geed effort!

The best that can be said is that I am at least drawing!
This morning I did household chores and put some white washing on. Later on the machine stopped and I had the fun of emptying it and eventually being able to clean the filter!
After lunch I went out to do some tidying in the walled garden and to dismantle the tin man! That was easier said than done as I had made a good job of making it hold together,
The weeds around where he had sat were pretty bad.
Looking better now and he will be in the recycling before too long.

I trimmed some of the leaves on the bonsai trees, and moved the most successful one off the stand and pruned some of the branches back. Love this little tree!
Tina and I watered the gardens and stopped midway for the weekly clap. Feeling quite weary tonight but better than I felt yesterday.


  1. The first portrait pic reminds me of someone, but not you. Sorry. The second one is very good and does look like you. Although I did like the one the other night, this one is better. You should be pleased with that one.
    I know washing machine filters have to be lower than the drum, but they are a real pain to empty being so low!
    Shame to see the tin man go, but he’s had a good innings I suppose. Consigned got the trash.....awwww 😢 Does look a lot tidier out there now though.
    I don’t know how you can bring yourself to trim those bonsai. They take years to grow, then you chop lumps off of them! They’ve done a few miles in their lifetime!

  2. I have enjoyed using the pencils and doing a bit of regular drawing, I would say I will keep it up but I never stick to those sorts of plans.
    We had been going to check the filter regularly but neither of us have bothered for a while now!
    The tin man did have a good run, but it was time for him to leave us!
