Thursday 21 May 2020

Quite a varied day

I haven’t been too energetic today but it has been interesting. I had a couple of letters to post so went to the post box early before I fed the birds. Took a picture of the Californian poppies that had escaped onto the pavement from the church yard.
Very hot again today and my legs are still a bit achy so decided against gardening. Did baking again which actually ai Volvos quite a lot of standing around which aggravates my knees!
Great excitement as at last one lot of interfacing turned up, so got a mask made before lunch!
I mentioned a little while ago that I had seen a video about vinegar based weed killer. The while vinegar arrived a couple of days ago and the sprayer arrived today. Tina and I mad a bit of a dogs breakfast getting the sprayer filled but we did get out there and now time will tell to see if it works!
In the old ceramic sinks near the back door there is a weird flower that has been there for a while, the bud case is interesting and then it is fascinating as it opens.
I have made more masks this afternoon, they are quicker than the pleated ones. I assembled one of them wrongly but finished it off anyway!
I put a thin coat of varnish on the little box I decorated yesterday.
Clapping night again, we carry n regardless even though we are up there on our own!


  1. I’m guessing Darren was pleased you did some baking instead of gardening. I know he enjoys his mum’s cakes. The bread looks good too. Sandwich followed by a bit of cake, perfect.
    Really pleased your parcel turned up, well one of them at least. The masks look great. Very colourful too. You’ll be knocking those out by the dozen if they’re that much quicker and easier.
    It’ll be interesting to see if the homemade weed killer does the job. Certainly a lot safer for the cats using vinegar.
    You’re probably out clapping on your own because they’re too scared to come out with the mad lady banging the saucepan! ๐Ÿ˜Š

  2. Darren actually said he couldn’t lose weight while I kept making cakes! I think it will disappear though.
    The newer masks are quite nice to make and certainly a bit less fiddly.
    Hopefully we will see some dying off of the weeds in a day or too.

    1. Darren can start dieting next week....or the week after ๐Ÿ˜Š
