Saturday 30 May 2020

Late evening on the sea front

Yesterday evening I went out again as it was getting dark to see if I could make it to the sea front and back. At the beginning of the year it was a walk I couldn’t do as the knee was too painful. I haven’t tried much proper outside walking since lock down so if I had to turn back it wouldn’t have been too much of a surprise. Very quiet again, I was out for about forty minutes and may have seen a dozen people, none of them anywhere near me. A really pleasant walk and I had taken pills and used knee supports so not too much pain either,

The last two I probably zoomed a bit too much, but the phone coped pretty well!
Today I haven’t felt too energetic, I did do household chores and decanted some bird food in the greenhouse. Made a couple of phone calls and got another request for a face mask. This afternoon was FaceTime with the American family and Patty had said she wanted to see rainbow hair, so I had to oblige!
The other evening I was watching a George Gently episode, I think Martin Shaw has aged so well and is very handsome. Looked up on line to see if I could get a poster or picture and found a good sized photo at a reasonable price. It came within a few days so will have to get it framed and put somewhere conspicuous!
We will be watering soon, then I will watch Casualty and will probably go out again and maybe take the camera.


  1. Glad you made it to the seafront ok, although I suppose making it back again was the most important bit! You nearly always manage to get pic at the front without people in, so nothing new there. The pics are pretty good too considering it’s the phone and nighttime. My favourite is the second one one. I like the texture and the light on the wall with the moody dark sea behind.
    The hair looks good. Very funky with the multiple colours. The chalks were a great buy and have already had lots of use. I wonder what it will be tomorrow? 😊
    I have to say that Martin Shaw is a good looking bloke. He definitely looks better now than when he was younger. I slipped up somewhere on that count. You’re definitely going through your second teenagehood, not that it’s a real word, but you get the gist of it. Pics of pinups and heartthrobs, what’s next I wonder? I would say bopping in the isles at concerts, but you already do that! 😀
    Enjoy your walk again.

    1. It was good to get to the sea,,,,and back, onward and upward, although best not expect too much from the poor old knees!
      The hair chalks are really great, given me a real boost.
      Must find a frame for the photo tomorrow and then find a perfect place for it!
