Friday 29 May 2020

Late evening ghost town walk and paint chaos!

Yesterday evening as it was getting dark I took a walk to the post box on the main street and then to pot something is Sarah’s post box. There were some people on cars stopping at the two take away places that were open but I only saw one other pedestrian, it was a lovely evening and very quiet.
I took a photo of the scaffolding around Lucian’s on the way home, the pinnacle at the top point of their roof  came down in the wind, doing a lot of damage to the budding and their car!
This morning I noticed that the first of the poppies had opened, a lot of buds to come.
We had a really old plant trough that has seen better days and I have a lot of plants to find homes for. Tina suggested painting it which was a really good idea.
More about the painting later! When I fed the birds I noticed a lovely little bee on a chair when I was coming in. I usually have real difficulty taking close ups with the phone but this time I managed not to have a blur!
This afternoon I went out to paint the trough and to empty the lovely Victorian planter and refresh It now that we can actually see it again. I propped the trough on one of the garden chairs and had the paint on a plank of wood to keep it steady. With it being hot and slightly windy the coats of paint dried really quickly. I was very careful not to still any paint on the pavers. Finishing off the second coat and pleased with how it was going when I caught the plank the paint was on and tipped the whole tin over! Pandora was out and straight across, rushes in and in panic got newspapers. After a while of course they had stuck to the pavers!! Gathered up as much of the paper as possible and then it was a hose and brush job!
So, once it was cleared as well as possible, some paint left and some bits of newsprint, but they will fade in time! But both the trough and the Victorian planter and done and looking good.

I went down to water the bonsai trees and the droopy plant is now looking lovely and again I managed not to have it blurred!
May venture out for a late walk again, will see how I feel in a bit.


  1. An evening walk in this warm weather is really nice, and with it being quieter than usual makes it even better.
    That’s a lot of scaffolding on that house. Hopefully it’ll get sorted without being too expensive. Hope the car insurance pays up and doesn’t find an excuse to get out of it.
    The planter does look better with a coat of paint on it, but what a palaver! Accidents with paint always look so much worse than anything else. At least it was outside and not in the middle of a carpet! Now that would make you say “oh flip” 😊 Good job Pandora didn’t decide to run through it and thin into the house! Doesn’t look too bad after you cleaned up.
    Not a bad shot of the bee considering you used the phone.
    Enjoy your walk if you decide on one.

    1. I did get rid of some ot the paint and paper after that picture so it really isn’t too bed now. I can see the funny side of it and it was good that Pandora didn’t decide to paddle!
      That is major scaffolding, cost a small fortune just for that,
