Wednesday 27 May 2020

Bit of an off day!

Haven’t felt that good today, not exactly poorly but not well either! This morning I did some baking, got some bread rising and then made some chocolate cakes from my very old cookery book. The cases were a bit greasy when they came out so I took them out and melted some white chocolate to finish them off.

Nearly forgot to mention that today I tried a blue chalk in my hair, which looks green but a better green than yesterday!
The bread turned out well and Tina and I enjoyed some for our lunch.
This afternoon I did go out into the garden, there is a narrow flower bed next to Lucian’s fence that has become a bit untidy and there is some sticky weed appearing. I don’t know it’s correct name but I do know I am allergic to it! That bed looks neater again and after that I cleared the path near the back door and the path to the garden bin in the front garden, but didn’t take pictures of those.

I will go and make sure the bonsai trees haven’t dried out but will give the garden watering a miss tonight.


  1. I do wish you'd stop posting pictures of homemade baked goods that I can't eat 😭

    1. I’ll bake you a cake and you can collect from outside my door. I can wave at you through the glass 😊

  2. The cakes and the bread both look good. Bet they tasted good too. I like some of the old recipes from the Be-Ro book. Hope you let the bread cool down before you had some. I know it’s really hard to do that as it smells so good!
    I think the hair colour looks nice again. Having seen you with permanent reds and mauves in your hair over the years I just think it suits you. Plus you definitely like to be different to the “normal” people out there 😊
    Glad you didn’t do too much in the garden today, but the bed in the pic looks really nice.
    Going to be another hot night, so bonsai watering is a good idea.

  3. Sorry about that Scout, will be a super bake in when you are able to visit! 😘

    1. Still got a bit done, but not with too much enthusiasm. That bed wasn’t heavy going so that was good.
      The bread was still warm at lunch time so we had slightly melted butter!
      Quite enjoying trying out the older recipes.
