Sunday 3 May 2020

Not a busy day

I really haven’t felt too well today, quite achy and tired. Walking was not comfortable at all also decided against try to do any laps. Last night when Tina popped up to see me she put Pandora on the back of my chair. She used to get up there quite regularly but is a bit bigger now and it was never a very stable ‘bed’! But she stayed there for a while, even when I moved so I could take a picture of her.
This morning I did go out as usual quite early to feed the birds. Lovely sky, with promise of rain, maybe, it hasn’t happened yet!
I got some washing into the machine and then went up to clear the path a bit that leads to the garden bin. It was one of the first jobs I did when I was getting the garden tidied before the surgery. You would think it had never been touched now! Quite a lot of the rogue Spanish bluebells, a cornflower which is taking over and al lot of self sewn aquilegia. I wasn’t feeling too energetic and at that moment the sun was pretty hot. Tina came out to work with me which was good.

You can certainly see where we have been working, didn’t get the picture bangle right again!
Jacky and Donal walked by while we were out there. Donal had taken a picture of the front bed when the tulips were at their best. He said he was going to put a post on Facebook which he did and he had that picture of the garden and couple of the church and complimented Steve for his work on the church grounds and me for the garden, which was nice. He sent me the photo of the garden and it is a good one so will add it here.
After lunch I came up here and sat in the rocking chair with my feet up, with a throw round my shoulders and didn’t move for over two hours when it was time to go and get on with dinner. I cannot remember the last time I did that! While I was up here Darren took in a delivery for me, the ribbon I had sent for, I will use the red, white and blue to decorate the peg crosses for Friday.
Watching Van Der Valk in a bit, hopefully I will feel a bit more energetic tomorrow.


  1. A day of not doing too much exercise is a good thing occasionally, although I think the gardening was enough to compensate for the lack of walking.
    Pandora does look quite large now. Certainly a bit big to be balanced behind your neck in the chair. Stops drafts I suppose.
    Nice sky pic. I love formations like that, specially again the silhouettes. Almost makes going out at silly o’clock worth while 😊
    The before pic looks like a jungle. It grows so quickly! The after pic shows you both put in a bit of work to tidy it up. Always nice to have someone with you as it makes the task seem easier. Donal’s pic is very nice. Looks so colourful. It’s nice that someone else recognises what a good job you’ve done with the garden.
    You must have felt tired today. Not like you to spend so long in the chair not doing anything. That’s a lot of ribbons you’ve got there. Should keep you busy another day.
    Enjoy your program, and hopefully get a better night tonight .

  2. Having to write the reply at least twice is getting boring now. The blog app has been a bit temperamental of late.
    We didn’t spend that long outside today but at least now we can get along the path to the garden bin without getting attacked by plants!
    I think the ribbons will look good on the crosses, will probably do that tomorrow.
    A few people have commented on the garden this week, so I suppose people do appreciate it looking tidy.
    The program was good, only one more to go now.
