Friday 8 May 2020

Mostly gardening

Yesterday evening Tina got ready for VE Day, Darren helped set up the tent and I helped her with decorating and putting the crosses out.

It was full moon last night so just one more moon photo!
Now another brilliant National Geographic photo, this time of a giant hornet.
This morning I decided that I would concentrate on tidying up the back garden, starting at the top and working round the large bed, both tidying the edge and weeding. It is surprising how soon it starts to look unkempt again.
Sitting having a cuppa with Tina while I had a break she said what a nice shot looking up through the trees, she was right!
After lunch I helped Tina get the cakes ready to go out onto the table for people to take when they were passing. She ordered them in from a local lady so we put them in cake cases and then into sandwich bags.
I went back out in the garden, cleared the steps near the summer house, didn’t take a picture and the bed in front of it, then move on to the bed with the stump in. We have a honeysuckle plant which will be going in the bed.
That’s better!
Looking at the teasel plant I was fascinated by its water storage! We are hoping we will actually get teasels this year!
Another rest under the trees and a couple more arty shots!

I had come upstairs and then realised that I hadn’t taken the after picture of the mornings work, so went back down!
Spent quite a lot of time gardening today but it was enjoyable as it was maintaining rather that heavy work. If only it was all like that!


  1. That looks a very patriotic tent set up. I’m sure passers by were keen to help themselves to free cake. Did much of it go? Lovely day for it, so I would think there were a few passers by. The crosses were worth the work, they look good.
    The hornet pic is great. I bet you wish you’d taken it. Although I’m not so sure I’d want to be quite that close to it!
    Your efforts in the garden made quite a difference. Glad to hear it wasn’t such hard work as you’ve been doing lately. How’s the latest “lawn path” doing? That one looks as though it’s been there forever.
    Finally, your arty shots are really good again. My favourite is the one after the teasel. I think it looks great with all the different colours and the clouds set it all off a treat. One for the folder I think.

  2. It has been an enjoyable day in the garden and sitting out under the trees too, now wind today so it was pleasant in the shade. I quite liked the tree pictures too.
    We didn’t put the cakes out until this afternoon but they have been going steadily.
    Showers were a possibility, but obviously not a big one! But we watered tonight.

  3. So u didn't take the pic of the hornet?? Im scared now :/ there is no context so hard to know how big that is in real life.??
    And the moon???.....did u take that.?
    The garden looks delightful, well done. A beautiful haven. πŸŒΌπŸŒΊπŸŒ»πŸ’–

  4. Not an English hornet I think, so don’t worry!
    Yes, I did take the picture of the moon, it was a super moon the night before and then a true full moon.
    The garden is a pleasure to sit in now, but the work is still never ending.πŸ˜€
