Thursday 14 May 2020

Funky material and tomato plants

Tina took some great pics of the sky last night, by the time I got around to it the colour had faded a bit but still worth putting one shot on the blog.
A couple of deliveries today, one was of two fairy house bird feeders that I had forgotten I had ordered at a really good discounted price.
Really worth the punt to try them as they are adorable. Have put one in the fairy garden and one in front of the new rockery. Have put water in the one by the rockery.
I haven’t felt too well today, went out to get the tomato plants moved into their final home and one or two other small jobs but came over really weary and liking energy. Did get the little tomato house ready and the plants in though.
I sat out under the trees for a bit and took a couple of similar shots but with very different results.
There are some amazing tulips in the back garden, they were red but are now quite pale, but they have been there for probably weeks.
The other delivery today was some fabulous African cotton material, now they will make striking masks!
Tina and I did the watering before we went out for the regular lonesome clapping/saucepan banging. Blue had just had a drink from the new bird bath when I took this photo!
Hoping I have a little more energy tomorrow.


  1. The odd day of not doing much is probably good for you. You do more than enough to compensate on the days you spend gardening and doing other jobs. Shame you’ve not felt too well though.
    The bird baths are great.perfect for front and back gardens, and they make great cat waterers too 😊
    The tomato plants look nice and healthy. I think tomatoes taste so much better when they’re home grown. Specially just pulling them off the plant and eating straight away. Washing them is overrated!
    The second of your two under the trees shot is smashing. I really like the colours and how they are lit. Folder job that one.
    I’m looking forward to seeing the first masks made with the new material. They’ll look quite spectacular. Will definitely stand out in a crowd. A crowd with people two metres apart that is!

    1. It was an odd day, and ai can’t help feeling guilty when I don’t get on with things, need to work on that one!
      I really love the fairy house bird feeders, sometimes you are disappointed when you order from a catalogue, but pleasantly surprised with them.
      Those tomato plants were really tiny, just a couple of inches high when I was given them and they have come along a treat.
      Really love the African prints, very funky.
