Monday 11 May 2020

Took an evening walk, exciting and exhausting!

The weather has been changeable today and the wind quite cold. We even had a hail shower at one point. I stayed indoors, did some household chores and did some work starting to assemble the face masks. I made some phone calls and arranged to send masks to my sister and a friend in Kent. Tina printed off a pattern for another style of face mask that needs interfacing. I have ordered some and will give it a try when it arrives.
I went out to get the watering done early before I got dinner. We had a hail shower earlier, very short, and it drizzled a bit as I started watering, but we have had no rainfall that has wet the soil! Tina has a prototype face shield made my the neighbour of one of her parishioners. She had to give us a demonstration.
I did take a picture of the new blue flower in the garden, so delicate.
I decided this morning that I would go for a walk this evening. A circuit of the roads that surround the park. When I was trying to build up my ankle when we first moved here that was the walk I used to take. Earlier this year it was the knees that stopped me walking, going slow to stop or using a stick. Then of course we went into lockdown. I have been staying indoors and in the garden but hoped an evening walk would be relatively safe, I was right, may have seen ten pedestrians and I was out for half an hour. I did manage but I am soo out of condition, but I suppose it was further than I was managing earlier in the year. I did take some pictures as it was quite exciting to be out on the loose after so long.

That last one belongs to one of the HUG ladies who always makes an effort at her little house.
Recovering from my excursion now, will try and get out regularly.


  1. A productive day for you and an easier one than usual which is good. You really have got the hang of the masks now. Still haven’t seen a webbed one though 😊
    I’m sorry, but when I saw the Rev in the mask I started to laugh. It’s the expression on her face I think 😊 Dick Turpin the other day and a welder today. Good job she’s a sport.
    It was good you got out for a short walk. It’ll do you good and stop you going stir crazy. From your pics it looks quite deserted out there anyway. I’m sure it was quite enjoyable even though you felt a bit out of condition. You’ll soon get back into it. Having some different subjects to take pics of was good too. You’ll be gagging to get out again tomorrow after escaping tonight!

    1. It has been a quieter but good day. The walk this evening was good as I was out and about, but not so good to find it such hard going!
      Looking forward to trying the new style mask but will have to wait for the interfacing.
      I did take a mask out with me just in case!
