Friday 15 May 2020

Another garden area cleared and my mask material arrived!

I have felt a bit more energetic today so went outside to try and clear the weeds and unwanted plants that are under the bay tree. It is not an area visible from the road and it is difficult to work on and doesn’t get a lot of rain. I think we may cover that area with weed controlling fabric.
You can see that the edging has been well shifted by careless drivers. I have always said that is one job I won’t tackle, but did decide to try and tidy that edge a bit as well as do the clearing. The pieces don’t fit anymore as they have moved, so found a small piece with the wrong roping on top, but it will do for now!
That was quite hard work, the ground was hard and some places I couldn’t get to with the fork, but in the end I had to clear it all by deep hoeing. So although I had more energy that yesterday I haven’t done a lot more today.mdid make a sponge, and have enjoyed doing some puzzles. My material for my mask arrived today, I have just washed it ready to make one up over the weekend. I will of course take a picture!
Forgot to put this on yesterday but received a lovely little plaque from my friend Angie.
Not watering tonight so an easy evening as well!


  1. Looks like you’ve cleared up a few more little, or not so little gardening tasks. You seemed to have picked all the rough little jobs that get left, for good reason too! It looks so much better under the bay though and the straightened and rebuilt edging helps a lot. I don’t understand how people manage to drive over the edgings. It’s not as if the drive is titchy! I think some of them need new glasses, or should turn their licences in!
    The material should be perfect for your mask. Bet you’ll get some odd looks when you’re out wearing that 😊
    I know you said it was family film evening tonight, so I hope you enjoyed it. Should be a regular occurrence. Hope you had a few snackettes to nibble on. Well you do at the cinema.

    1. It was a job that needed doing, not actually digging it means there will be lots of roots still there, so we need to get it covered as quick as possible.
      Will hopefully get the mask made tomorrow, the material is washed and drying.
      The film was fun and we had a piece of the cake I made this afternoon.
