Monday 18 May 2020

Tiny pansies galore!

Over the last few weeks self sown pansies have been appearing in the gravel, looking very pretty but really not where they should be and mixed in with weeds and grass.  I watched a video about reasonable pet friendly weed killer consisting of white vinegar, salt and washing up liquid, seemed to work so the plan is to try it out. The vinegar has arrived and the spray bottle is on its way, so I decided to try and remove some of the pansies before we get spraying. There were a lot and some very tiny, wasn’t sure how easily they could be removed but set off with good intentions.
Clearing the stones away and gently pulling meant that most came out fairly easily, only broke a couple off their roots. I did pull some of the better weeds    and plants while I was working.
Still quite a lot there but I removed loads. I had newspaper and water in a container and put them in there. I planted a few of the bigger ones and one large plant with pretty yellow and white flowers directly into the bed.

The others I painstakingly potted up! Tina was surprised just how many when she came out with a cuppa!
This morning we had been talking about using the weed represent fabric we have to go under the bay tree. Tina was thinking of getting clippings deliver when I remember all the t were behind the church from when the trees behind the fence were lopped. Tina had asked them to ship all the branches and they have been there for some time. This afternoon we laid out the fabric and I helped Tina get the chippings spread out, she did the collecting with the wheelbarrow! They smell really good and it looks pretty good too.
My knee has been twinging quite a bit today, so not planning to do anything now the garden is watered.


  1. Blimey, that looks like a tedious job moving the pansies. But they are pretty little flowers so it would be a shame to kill them off. Hopefully they grow well where you’ve planted them. Finger crossed the homemade weed killer works too.
    Wow, the clippings make such a difference. With any luck the weed barrier combined with those will mean one more bit of the garden free from weeds, or most of them anyway. Either way it does look good. The Rev looks pleased with her efforts 😊
    I’m not surprised the knee is giving you hassle after kneeling on the gravel! Definitely feet up now.

  2. The pansy rescue was a bit tedious but worth it, may try and remove a few more tomorrow.
    Really do like the look of the chippings, there are three piles and only one has been nibbled into, so we will put some more round the garden with or without the fabric.
