Saturday 16 May 2020

No real change!

This morning I did go into the front garden for a bit, decided to get the tulip bulbs dug up so that the bed could be turned over and weeded properly. Digging today rather that hoeing, the ground was dry and a bit hard in places, but not too bad.
It doesn’t look like a lot of work but I got masses of bulbs out, the tulips in the bigger trug and various other little ones in the small trug.

Took a picture of the honesty, I love every stage of this plant. Nice shaped leaves, very pretty flowers and then the seed pods. The pods are forming now and are dark, but will become the lovely white discs eventually.
This afternoon I have made up and couple more masks to give away but also made my personal one!
Had a nice FaceTime chat with the family in America, they are all doing fine.
Then out to do the watering, Tina came out with me so we shared the work. Pandora went up on the the trees, haven’t seen her attempt the trees before, but it gets her nearer the birds!
The red hot pokers are looking pretty good in the front garden.
A quiet evening with some Eurovision entertainment!


  1. Everything in that garden always looks like hard work to me! I honestly don’t know where you find the energy or the get up and go to do it all. You really do put a lot of people to shame, including me!
    I like the seed pods on the honesty.such elaborate things. Nature is a very strange thing.
    The mask is great. With the added bonus that you can frighten children with it too 😊
    It’s good the FaceTime across the pond has become a regular thing. Hope it stays like that even after lockdown. All this time we’ve been given to ourselves has made us think about the way we do things.
    Enjoy a peaceful evening with Eurovision. You must be desperate 😊

  2. Thinking ahead in the garden now, digging up bulbs to replant in the autumn, must be getting it under control!
    We have honesty popping up everywhere, but that is okay with me, as I said, I like it in all its stages.
    Don’t plan on getting too near any children, but you never know they would probably want the mask for themselves.....
    It has been good having regular contact with the family in America, good to see them all looking well and happy.
