Sunday 24 May 2020

Some more weeds bite the dust!

This morning I went out quite early to carry on with the fruit bush bed. Still quite a way to go but was on a mission!
Unbeknown to me Tina took a couple of pictures of me while I was working.

I did manage to get it done and even did the edges.
The strange plants that have the protective cover have survived the wind and are beginning to open.
We have three fruit trees in tubs on the patio, they were given to us last autumn, one of them has apples forming and I think one is a cherry tree.
We have some giant white alliums, the largest one was in the shade but one of the smaller ones was catching the sun.

After lunch I managed to get half the plants we had been given into the garden and then sat and did puzzles for a bit. Darren and Tina went out to get chippings to put on the bed I had finished, they got enough to do the bed with the stump in as well. They look great.

After dinner Tina came with me to help water the gardens, then I finished off while Tina removed some of the dead weeds from the drive. The white vinegar weed killer has been working. On the way back in we noticed that the largest of the flowers with the protective shield had opening while we were out, sorry the picture is a bit out of focus! No photo so ignore the last remark, have been trying to upload it for over ten minutes now, maybe tomorrow!


  1. A good start to the day. Quite a bit of difference in that bed, plus Tina’s pics prove it was actually you that did it 😊
    Everything is coming along nicely out there, and with all the different plants surviving and flowering it’s looking really good. The clippings definitely finish the beds off. They look so neat and tidy. Fingers crossed the stop the weeds too, or at least slow them down.
    I’m sure you were pleased with today’s progress. Hopefully enough to give you a day off tomorrow 😊

    1. Yes a real move forward with the garden so we may be winning the battle, maybe the war in another ten years!

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