Tuesday 19 May 2020

Dodgy knee, easy day!

Mu knee has flared up a bit the last couple of days so today I have not done a great deal. Did chores and washing this morning and went it to decant the mealworms that I have had for some time. I keep the bird food in the greenhouse and have lots of containers rather than have bags or sacks around. Tina went to the shops and bought back some flowers for me, very pretty and one of the chrysanthemums has a double head!
The interfacing was due to arrive by today, I have been itching to try out the new shaped masks. But it still hasn’t arrived. I ordered some more yesterday which is due to arrive tomorrow, so hopefully by tomorrow nights blog I may have made one! I have cut out some pieces in readiness and have also sewn three more of the pleated ones.
Tina and I had a drink out n the patio this afternoon and the copper beech leaves have now darkened and are looking splendid.
I had a look around the front garden when I went to put the garden bin out. The plants I put straight into the garden yesterday are looking happy which is good. In the corner bed we have two huge plants growing which I was given last year, I was told that they had red flowers but will have to wait a while to see if that is right. A picture of the plant and a close up of the buds.

We did have a shower last night so are not watering tonight, but I am sure we will be tomorrow.
So a much easier day and going to enjoy The A Word later this evening.


  1. Glad to hear you’ve had a more relaxed day today. It’s a shame it’s an enforced one because of the knee. Hopefully a bit of rest will get it back on track again. Convalescing, even if only marginally is a good reason to get flowers though. Very pretty bunch it is too, and I’m sure it smells good.
    So annoying when you order stuff and it doesn’t arrive on time. I hope it turns up tomorrow as I’m looking forward to seeing the finished results of the new style masks.
    Nice tree pic from the patio. Could almost be from over the pond. Lots of different colours.
    Those are rather large plants in the front bed. Should look pretty good covered in red flowers. Time will tell.
    Hopefully the knee won’t be so troublesome tomorrow, but maybe another restful day would be a good idea anyway.

    1. I think the knee is feeling a little easier, think it was trying to tell me something!
      They are very pretty flowers and my birthday ones are just about finished.
      Those plants are huge, I thought they were going to have big flowers but looks like it will be clusters of small ones.
      The trees have been looking glorious, lots of sunshine has helped show them in their full glory.
