Wednesday 6 May 2020

Pretty busy today

I will start with a picture sent to my phone at about 5.30am this morning from Lunny. Maybe I will be walking to the sea again before too long, you never know!
I made up some coconut feeders for the birds first thing as Tina managed to get me some lard a couple of days ago. There seems to be a shortage as more people are baking it seems. Then I went into the front garden to carry on where I left off yesterday along the side bed.
Did use the wrist supports as they seemed to stop me having too much trouble yesterday. Using the hoe in the gravel on very hard ground does put some pressure on the wrists! Worked for about an hour and a half but had a break after an hour. Getting along that side!
Tina went for some rockery plants a while ago, they are much bigger than we had thought they would be and pretty striking!
Before lunch I got set up to have a go at tackling some masks, then I carried on after lunch and managed to make four more. Fitting the elastic is tricky, but I have found a way to work and although it is fiddly they seem okay. Although for a while I couldn’t get the tension right which was a bit frustrating!
Early evening when the sun had gone off the front garden a bit Tina and I both went outside. Tina carries on near the entrance removing the weeds from the path.
I went and thought I would do a bit more along the side bed, maybe I will finish it tomorrow!
I got as far as Darren’s car, so not too bad!
Then I used a couple of cans to water some bits in the front garden and we both ate red the back garden.
Had my tea and don’t intend to do much more today!


  1. Lovely pic to start with. Makes you want to get up mega early and go out.
    You’ve had a busy day again, but what you’ve done looks great. It really does make a lot of difference. Tomorrow should definitely see that bit done. Shame there’s still plenty more to carry on with. The rockery plants are lovely. I particularly like the mauve ones on the right. A big area of those would be great.
    Looks like you’ve cracked the mask making. You could make them with your eyes shut now!
    Not surprised you won’t be doing much this evening.

  2. Sunrise is really early obviously, Lunny regularly goes about about five I think!
    The plants really are fab, I may put some in early tomorrow as the sun doesn’t get to the back until the afternoon.
    Not too much left to clear down that side now, so should get it finished tomorrow, providing my wrists don’t think differently!
    The masks will never be that easy but now ai have the knack they go quite well.
