Saturday 2 May 2020

Some gardening and a little rain.....

I am trying to stick with doing some walking round the garden. I put on knee support and went out early as I really don’t enjoy it and have to force myself to make an effort! I would enjoy it if it didn’t hurt let me explain. I opened both the side gates today so that I could do a circuit including back and from gardens. It takes me about four minutes so I could work out how many laps I needed to do rather that just randomly wander around. I managed forty minutes again, on a couple of occasions I had really bad twinges but they didn’t last long! Looking up at one point I saw that there was more twine hanging from the guttering at the side of the house. It was hard to catch it with the phone and the light as it is still pretty high and there are no windows at that side of the building. If you can enlarge the pictures you should be able to see it!

The second photo was looking straight up as there was more that hand dropped yet!
Later in the morning I went out to finish off as much as I could of the bed I was working on yesterday. I won’t be able to weed it completely until I dig up the tulips when they have finished flowering. I managed to get these pictures from more or less the same position!

I haven’t done a great deal this afternoon, did have a nice catch up with the American part of the family. Lee and Rebecca had done the logic puzzles I mailed them and they got them both right! 
A friend went down by the sea this afternoon and sent this picture she took, very clear day with the wind farm easily visible. Some days you cannot see it.
Been having trouble with the internet on the phone and noticed the sky when I was going downstairs to ask for assistance. Dirty windows I am afraid.
That doesn’t look to promising that the extra rain we are expecting will actually happen. But we have had enough not to need to water the gardens this evening.


  1. Good idea having a set circuit to walk. Much better than constantly looking at the clock to see how long you’ve done. Still hard work though, specially the parts where you’re walking on the gravel. Forty minutes is good though, and I know you’ll keep up the routine as much as possible, due to being a stubborn old bugger! 😊
    The twine is a total mystery. I’d love to know what it is, or if it was originally put up for a reason. Don’t suppose we’ll ever know. Hopefully it’ll work it’s way down a bit in the wind so you can grab it and pull it down.
    The garden does look colourful and quite weed free at the moment. You wouldn’t have been doing any of that if your surgery had gone ahead. Mind you you’d have been bored out your head doing nothing.
    The sea does look really blue. Very inviting. Hopefully it’ll be accessible before too long.
    Nice to have assistance on hand downstairs when you have these little technical problems. I’m sure you were sorted out in quick order.
    I looked closely at my windows today. The outer pane looks like it’s frosted glass! Must get them cleaned. The is difference would be amazing. It’s at these time I wished I’ll I’ve on the ground floor. All other times I’m glad I don’t!
    Fingers crossed for rain tonight. 🀞🏻

    1. So many typing errors in that! Damn auto correct!

  2. The garden is probably the best it has been since we have lived here. It would have been pretty different if the surgery had gone ahead!
    I will really make an effort to keep the exercise up but I do struggle to make myself do it some days.
    Tina has asked someone to come and check out the gutters at some point so maybe he will have some idea about the twine/thread!
