Thursday 7 May 2020

Moon and finishing the side bed

Last night was a super moon, the last one this year I think. The first three pics are funky, I took them when I was standing with the monopod, the two sharper ones are when I sat down so that I could keep it steadier!
First thing this morning after I have fed the birds I put some of the new plants into the back garden rockery as it would be in shade for a lot of the day.
I went out into the front garden to try and finish the side bed and path I was working on. It was hot and like a sun trap in that corner so I didn’t get it finished but the remaining week is getting less and less!
Tina had cleared the weed by the lawn at the front of the garden and said that it needed edging. I went and looked, I think she meant with the edging shears but it really needed the edge cutter as you couldn’t get to the edge to use the shears. It wasn’t so hot there so I managed to get it done, because the stones had got into the grass it was a bit tricky in parts.

When I came in I made an almond cake before lunch. The oven tried to scupper it by turning itself off but all was well!
This afternoon I made a couple more masks, have used all the elastic for now! One of these is a bit prettier!
When the side path was in shade I went out and finished that side bed and path, hooray!!
It will look okay for a few days!
Apart from clapping I am not intending to do a lot this evening.


  1. Some really great moon pics. The artsy ones are very nice.
    The rockery is coming on leaps and bounds. So much better than the steps that were there and never really used. The plants will soon bed in and will probably spread quite quickly.
    It makes such a difference removing the weeds from the drive. It just makes everything look better. I think weeds on gravel look way more unkempt than weeds in the beds.
    It was good of Tina to leave you the digging bits. Maybe she thinks you need more exercise 😊
    The almond cake looks very inviting. Don’t think that last long!
    The masks are really good. Having got mine this morning in the post I can attest to them being a good fit and very comfortable. Which one are you going to use?
    Hope you get a few more clappers out there with you this evening.

  2. Quite a productive day, and really pleased with the moon pictures from last night.
    The path does look so much better weed free, but it is a big drive and a lot of weed!
    We are delighted with the rockery, quite a transformation but it looks as if it belongs.
    Not sure what mask, may find some spider material yet!
