Wednesday 13 May 2020

Trying my hand at “Life Drawing Live”

Last night I went out of the grounds for another walk around the roads that circle the park. I went earlier as I was wanting to be settled for the life drawing program on the tv. Did take a couple of pictures on the way home.

The internet was playing up so I couldn’t get the live pose up on the iPad but did eventually get it on the tv with the red button. My tv is small and I am quite happy with it as a rule but last night I could have done with a big screen as I couldn’t easily see the details of the models. Anyway, some better that others but will post all five!

Today I had had a pretty easy day, some chores and some puzzles. I did put the climbing frame for the honeysuckle up, it wasn’t quite as I expected but it will be fine.

Took a couple of photos in the front garden, the tamarix did get a bit damaged last year but it still has some of it’s feathery flowers opening. Then the alliums that are now really opening up.
I did do twenty minutes walking indoors this morning and may do a little more tonight, but I am not going out for a walk as my knee has been quite painful today and I don’t want to aggravate it. May get the sewing machine working too!


  1. I love both those first photos. Well worth venturing out just for them.
    So you need a bigger telly, you get semi naked men posing on screen and you need a bigger telly......😊 I do like the one with the cello and the last one with the flag. They’re all good, but they’re my favourites.
    I like the Heath Robinson approach to the climbing frame, very clever. Should do the trick though.
    The tamarix looks nice. You don’t have much luck with them, they always seem to sustain some sort of damage. Some great colours in your garden. A pleasure to look at. I bet it gets lots of appreciative views from passers by.
    Sounds like more mask making in the pipeline for this evening. I actually used mine again a few minutes ago.

    1. The sky was great as I made my way home last evening, so yes, worth it for the different shots!
      The life drawing programs are good, I would do better if I go around to drawing regularly, something like that fills me with good intentions, but they don’t last!
      We have some great plants and colour in the gardens now, a long way from the garden we moved into.
