Monday 25 May 2020

Oh so lazy....

Today I haven’t been in the garden except to feed the birds, sit out with Tina while we had a cuppa and then this evening to make sure the bonsai trees hadn’t dried out. We will water everywhere again tomorrow if it is necessary. This morning when eventually got moving I trimmed my hair first, had a shower and then tried the brown tinted chalks on my hair!
I had cut out some masks and interfacing last night so managed to get three made up before lunch.
This afternoon, still not feeling energetic decided to try and draw a self portrait using the coloured pencils.
Went out to do basic watering this evening, just the little bonsai trees, took a picture of the first beautiful foxglove to be properly open and the rather funky red hot pokers!
Might try and add the i true that wouldn’t upload last night, a slightly out of focus flower just shedding its outer layer.


  1. Are you keeping the hair in the box for the birds to make nests with? I cut my hair tonight too, but I bet yours was easier. I do think those chalks are a good idea. That little bit of colour really suits you and you can change it every day, which you probably will, or just wash it out. Is there enough it the set to last a long time?
    The masks are great. Very jazzy and very professional looking. Have you donated many more to locals?
    It can’t be easy doing a self portrait. Was it from a mirror or a photo? Pretty good whichever it was. You really should have put some colour in the hair 😊
    Love both the flower pics, the pokers are so colourful.
    A pretty good day without any serious gardening. Sounds good to me.

  2. I took a photo of myself on the iPad so it was a bit bigger to refer to.
    Really do like those coloured pencils although not a good range of skin tone colours.those masks are quite nice to make and do look good. Haven’t had many requests yet so have a few on stand by now,
    We have got some lovely plants and hopefully more to come into flower soon.
