Sunday 10 May 2020

Busy doing not a lot!!

Haven’t had much get up and go today, so I haven’t got up and gone! I did get the honeysuckle plant into the bed with the tree stump in. I have ordered a support for it which will hopefully come on Wednesday.

At this time of year, and especially as it has become windy today, the trees near here lose lots of sticky leaves and buds and the birds love it. It is like coloured show and settles everywhere!
I also went into the front and got the rest of the alpine plants in the rockery under the bay tree. Then took some pictures of the garden plants.
These clematis flowers are really tiny.
The large poker shaped flowers are opening.
And this tree with the pretty leaves is flowering.
This afternoon, before getting on with dinner I have cut out and started twelve masks. They all have the first bit of stitching done and are ready for me to finish off the seams, then of course comes the fun of getting the elastic in without catching it and making the pleats. But a good start.
Have just watched Boris and will be watching Van Der Valk later.


  1. My get up and go gets up and goes most days! You still managed to get some bits done though. So you’ve definitely not been idle.
    It’s nice having a large garden, for looking at and for pics, not for taking care of! You do get a chance to take a variety of pics of the flora and fauna and you have lots of lovely colours too. If I go out to take pics I have the choice of dandelions and daisies, plus the odd stray cat passing through 😊
    Twelve masks, you are keen! I’m sure they’ll all be appreciated though as it looks like we’re going to be using them very soon, and for some time to come.
    Enjoy VDV. Shame it’s the last one.

  2. It was a much quieter day, still no rain and the clouds looked like they were heading away.
    There is quite a lot of stuff to photograph in the garden, which is good as I am not venturing out and about!
