Tuesday 10 September 2019

Unexpected craft class!

This morning I walked up to Tesco in search of Sanatogen tonic wine. One young manager I asked had never heard of it so I hunted out an older member of staff who knew what I meant but said they didn’t stock it! I did buy a couple of other bits while I was there so not a totally wasted journey, meant I did some walking anyway! On the way back the large gates in front of the cemetery  were open so I took a closer look. Would have had a wander inside but was carrying shopping.
When I go home and before lunch started to try and put up strings to train the winter jasmine off the ground, and I didn’t want to cut it back.
After that I started cutting down the dead gladioli and taking out the stakes. I didn’t stay in the garden long as I had been in touch with Abi and she was collecting me to go to her first ever craft class since she left the craft outlet. I cannot get to her home on public transport and as she only had one other person attending she was happy to drive over and collect me. She had the table set up and we were going to make little badges with embroidery.
They were her sample ones in the front of the picture. We had a really great afternoon, lots of laughs and hopefully Abi feels more at ease about taking another class now. Pleased with my little badges!
The other lady was a bit late so we stayed on later and then Abi brought me back home.
I did do another ten minutes or so on the exercise bike, will try and do that regularly for a couple of weeks, well, that is the plan, we will see!


  1. Sanatogen tonic wine is a blast from the past! Hope you manage to find it somewhere. It’s bound to be available online, everything is 😊
    I think cemeteries are nice places to look around, or am I just ghoulish? Good for pics too......yep, definitely ghoulish!
    Sounds like another varied day for you. Hope you didn’t overdo it on the exercise front. Carrying, gardening, cycling.....you show us all up 😊
    The little craft class sounded quite good fun, specially with that nice plate of cakes on the table. Hope you had one. Got to keep your strength up for cycling etc 😊
    Love the little badges. They really are tiny. The hedgehog in particular had a lot of detail in it considering the size. I don’t think I’d be able to see to do them. Must get my eyes checked.
    Go easy on that bike 🚲

  2. They are not as complicated as they look, the hedgehog and the butterfly were printed on so just had to be embellished a bit. The gadget to press the badge together was a bit tricky, but we got there. Yes, I did have a piece of brownie!
