Tuesday 3 September 2019

Pretty easy day

I was up later than usual today as Istill can shake off this tiredness. Had a bath and did a few household chores before having lunch with Tina.
We have a poorly wood pigeon in the front garden which has been concerning us both, but we can’t get near it to catch it, and I am not sure what we would do with it if we did! It can move around quickly enough but has a damaged wing and can’t fly. We just hope the cats think it is too big to tackle! I did put some food and water under the tree. Nearly missed the bus trying to decide what to do, I was going to Freeport on the bus and then going to walk home, I took the trolley so that I could get some cat food at the Pound Stretcher, I had a coffee and looked in a couple of stores. Also went into the cycle shop to ask about hiring them if I ever feel that I can give it a go again. Really need to get on that exercise bike regularly!
I got some cat food, although not just what we wanted as the store is running the stock low as it is closing for ten days soon for a major refit. I walked beck via Polly’s Path, I always enjoy it and the council have been cutting the trees and tidying it up, that will be better for the winter months.
I walked a slightly longer way home as I wanted to go to the post office and our nearest one is closed so had to go onto the estate on the way home. I haven’t done a lot of walking recently and it turned very hot so I was glad to get home. I bought a couple of things that were cute rather than necessary, but both very cheap as well!
I made nice jacket potatoes on the oven for the three of us. I quite often have them but just done in the microwave! We had some lovely potatoes that Tina had brought home along with the pears last week.
May write a couple of letters and then get an early night.


  1. It’s not like you to be feeling like that, so you must be overtired. But looking back at the gardening, going to America, family visits etc, you done a lot the past few weeks. Maybe you just have to bite the bullet and have a couple of week doing nothing. Definitely not something you’d find easy to do.
    Hope your poorly pigeon makes a recovery ☹️
    Give the exercise bike a miss for a couple of weeks. Get the number of a good taxi! If you really want to get back into cycling then I know where you can get one. It’d be a long ride to get it home though!
    The pic of the tree tunnel looks like something from the hobbit.
    Awwww, the little lamp is cute. Had to be bought, and cheap too.
    Hope your early night goes to plan and you actually get a good night.

  2. I have been listening to my body, so not a lot of gardening happening, but hopefully I will get back into short sessions soon.
    The lamp is really cute and I am looking forward to painting the little fairly hose, some time!

  3. Glad to hear it. A bit of a rest will do you good. It’ll bore you to tears too, that’s the only trouble 😊
