Saturday 7 September 2019

Catching up and St Nicholas’s first Horticultural Show

This morning I met up with Mags and Abi from the Craft Outlet, which has now closed. They are both running private craft classes, I haven’t been to any as they are not local, but Abi has said she will pick me up to attend one of hers. I had ordered some lovely scrapbook papers from Mags and now have those, so better start getting inspired.
I took my cake over to the church and the note cards and pictures for June to display on the HUG stall. Took a few photos, it was quiet then but later in the day it was very busy and there were a lot more entries.

The trophies were for the children’s classes for them to keep for a year.

Cute bug, I think it was a winner!
I entered five classes and got two rosettes!
This morning the cd I ordered cam, I have had a quick listen, it is Nick Drake who I hadn’t heard of until yesterday! Sounds like my sort of music though.
Also in the post came a cute clock case from Mike, which I hope to make into a little novelty house.
Settling down for Strictly now!


  1. Going to a class with Abi sounds a good idea, and some more scrapbooking should be good. You just need to find a bit of spare time to do some crafting now.
    The church looks well laid out, and quite a few entries. Those onions look HUGE! Lots of nice cakes to judge too. If ever the Rev is short of a judge for the cakes, I’m free! Well done you for getting places in two classes.
    Glad the clock case arrived ok. I look forward to seeing what you make with it. No rush though as I know you already have a list as long as your arm of things to do 😊

  2. It was a good first show, I am sure it will be much bigger and better next year as it was well supported and a lot of interest was shown.
    The cakes were all tasted so a good judging job to get!
    Will get myself back into the crafting mode, well that is the plan anyway.
