Friday 13 September 2019

Living Well meeting and gardening

This morning was the Living Well meeting, today we had Mandy for chair aerobics today concentrating on strength and balance. A good session and I cleared away afterwards, also gave a bit of an introduction to the dot art session next week.
After lunch I tidied up a couple of the flower beds in the back garden. Nice to be at a point where I am tidying and keeping on t of things, although there is still ground work to be done in other parts of the garden.

Not a lot of work here, that was to come later!

I cut this gladioli by mistake so have it in water now.

I sat out in the summer house for a bit and took the camera, haven done that so often recently. Saw both squirrels today which was nice.

Some birds too.

The crows were taken through the window.
I then went to remove the large daisy plant, intending to split it and plant it elsewhere so that the new red plant could go near the summer house. I thought I had done with digging up stones and bricks, and found more of the buried carpet, I am convinced one of the days I will dig up a body!!

I did get the new plant in, more work than I had anticipated!
Taking the large bag of rubbish up to the garden bin I spotted this cat, he wandered off towards the road when he saw me so I held my breath!
This evening I have watered the back garden and a few plants out the front. Haven’t been on the bike yet!


  1. A lot of pics and a lot of activity today. No wonder your knees are achey. Chair aerobics isn’t a bad start, but the gardening is a different matter. Those beds do look nice these days and as you say not so much work to keep tidy now. Still enough though. Now if you could just make the rest of the garden disappear that’d be great! The new red bush looks good. Shame you had to dig out so many rocks and so much carpet. Maybe it’s buried treasure wrapped in it and not a body. But knowing your luck it’ll be a body 😊 I know someone who does funerals though.
    Really pleased to see the squirrels are still around. Have they destroyed any feeders lately? You’ve had a lot of use out of the summerhouse, and hopefully it’ll prove useful in the winter too. It’ll be here before you know it. ⛄️
    You’ll need a double dose of Sanatogen tonight 😊

  2. A pretty good day and getting my energy back which is a bonus.
    Couldn’t believe how hard three small area was to get ready for planting, it is thearea that hasn’t been dug properly, well, one of the areas, but some haven’t even been touched.
    On the Sanatogen now, maybe I will get to like it in time!
    Good to see the two squirrels, we were worried only one had survived the cull!
