Saturday 21 September 2019

Household chores and a quilt to make?

Not a lot of report today, have done a lot of household stuff and a couple of walks out to the shops. Darren did come to the Factory shop with me, he got some clothes and I got more fat balls for the birds, making the most of the 25% discount. While I was put I got the first instalment of a new weekly magazine. First one 99p but a lot more as time goes on! Will I or won’t I continue, watch this space.
I did sit in the summer house for a while, the Michaelmas daisies, one of my favourite flowers, are opening. I went toSt Michael’s primary school so we used to wear them on his saint day. The sun has bleached the colour out of them in the photo, they are quite purple.
I bought two miniature pampas grasses a few months ago, one is about to actually have a grass open which is exciting.
The sunflower seeds are still forming, it will end a bit flower head when they fill out.
Darren and dinner together and now I am entranced with Strictly, a couple of fantastically good first dances with record scores!


  1. Glad you managed to get more of the fat ball while they’re still on offer. I know you get through quite a few of them.
    The new quilting mag looks interesting but once they go full price it soon adds up to a lot of money to get the whole thing. Not sure there’s much for you to learn from it as you’ve already made some great quilts.
    It’s nice that you have such varied flowers and plants in the garden. I bet the pampas will look lovely when it’s fully out, and the sunflower is just in a class of its own.
    Glad you’re enjoying the new series of Strictly. If the scores are good this early in the series some of them must be really good.

  2. Yes, a good supply of fat balls now, they have become the squirrels favourite choice of snack so the container is empty every morning!
    Really looking forward to the pampas grasses as I have always liked them.
    May only have the one large sunflower, but as you say it is a pretty special one!
    Two pairs scored 32 this week, unheard of in the first show of the series.
