Thursday 19 September 2019

Bargain fat balls and cook in with Tina

I got this message by text this morning and it seemed too good to be true. So I took the trolley and thought I would get one of the boxes of sixty fat balls. Checked that the offer was real and then got one lot. Will go back tomorrow and maybe Saturday as the offer is on for a few days, hopefully they won’t sell them all today.
I went to the coffee morning at URC but Sarah and David weren’t there today so I went and left a couple of bits I had for them on their doorstep!
Yesterday Abi gave me an embossing folder so I had a little play, just to try it out, will have a more serious go another day.
Can’t think why she thought of me for that one!
This afternoon Tina got her shopping list sorted and we set off for another mammoth shop for her charity weekend away. After unpacking and having tea we spent the evening preparing mountains of veg and made five large vegetable lasagne. Here they are in progress, the house smells good now!
I took a little break in the garden, the sunflower is still developing and the late begonia is pretty.

My most leafy bonsai tree is looking quite autumnal!
Really achey this evening so resting up as I am helping at the dot art session in the morning.


  1. 25% off is a very good offer. Stock up while you can. Get a lift there and fill the car up with the fat balls! Those birds and squirrels are spoiled.
    The new embossing folder is definitely you. Some sort of Halloween card springs to mind.
    Looks like a busy afternoon cooking. It’ll definitely save the Rev a bit of time, and I’m sure the smell is lovely. Hope you included a small one for yourself in the batch. Not surprised you’re achey after all that standing around in the kitchen.
    I really do like that sunflower. It just looks really funky. It feels like it’s looking back at you! That bonsai must be a few years old now. You’ve done really well with them. I remember them well from when you first started them all off. They were tiny little things.

  2. Pretty busy day in the end, but it will save Tina some trouble at the weekend, we had a lot of veg to prepare!
    Great embossing folder, had to have a quick play!
    The seeds will all be forming in the centre of the sunflower in the next could of days, there will be a fair few!
    The bonsai trees are getting on a bit, not lost too many over the years.
