Saturday 28 September 2019

Bit of a struggle!

Last night Tina and I went along to the Comedy night at the Floral Hall. It is held monthly and includes pie and peas. There were three acts, all good,  it the headliner particularly funny. A good evening and not a late finish. I took this picture before the fun began, not the best but it shows it was well supported.
Last night I had niggling pain in my better knee and have had a really troublesome day with the knees today. I have left the bike for today and will probably give it a miss tomorrow as well.
I walked down to the post office this morning, it begun to t down with rain and when I got there it doesn’t open on a Saturday! Got some nice meat at the butchers next door though.
When I got back there was a package for Tina that looked as if it could be my Brenda Hale inspired t shirt, but I waited until she got home to find out! It was, and I am chuffed with it! Even better that the sales from the t shirts has raised thousands of pounds for Shelter.

Charlie’s new favourite daytime resting place is my rocking chair!

Darren took me up to the garden centre as they had a 20% off day and Tina had seen some tea light holders that she wanted to get as gifts. We got them and a couple of other bits and had coffee and cake. When we came out the sky was really dramatic.
I haven’t done a lot else, tried to rest the legs, did visit Sarah and David for a while and caught up with there news.
Enjoyed Strictly this evening.


  1. That does look well attended, but a good laugh and pie and peas is always a winner! Glad you enjoyed it.
    You probably shouldn’t have been walking to the shops and carrying stuff back if your knees are giving you trouble. A day with your feet up would be a much better idea, but I know there’s no chance of you doing that! Hope laying off the bike for a couple of days helps.
    Love the new shirt, very you, plus money to a good cause too. Win win.
    Glad to hear Darren gave you a lift to the garden centre. He’s a pushover when it involves a slice of cake 😊

  2. They usually get around a hundred so pretty good. I am sure we will go again.
    Don’t intend to be too active tomorrow but the pain seems to have eased a bit.
    I love the t shirt, makes me smile.
