Tuesday 24 September 2019

Rain and rest!

Firstly the arm after blood downing! It was itchy when I removed the bandage last night but not that painful, looks worse than it feels. The bruise is coming out nicely today and the swelling almost gone.

I think it will spread a bit yet. 
I walked to the shops this morning and then up to the cafe opposite the mere as the lady there is closing this week. I have only been ina few times but said I would call in this week. She owns the building and another lady is going to rent it and set up another cafe soon.
Back home Charlie made himself comfortable on the settee.
It has rained on and off today. Did brighten for a while, but was good to have the rain, could still do with more! Went with Darren to Freeport for lunch as Tina is out all day until later this evening. We went into the Gift shop as there was a sale, Darren bought me two little things. The springy bug is silly but cute, the stress ball is not for stress but for me to exercise my problem hands!
I wrote a letter and went out to post it, walked back through the churchyard and all of a sudden autumn has appeared!

There is a group of flowers in the front garden that look very attractive.
I have managed to get to twenty minutes on the exercise bike this evening. Not sure if it is doing any good but I will persevere for a while.
Helping at a lunch tomorrow, not exactly looking forward to it but hopefully it will go well enough.


  1. Blimey, that looks a mess. You should sue them for grievous bodily harm! Or arm even 😊
    Sounds like a quiet day for you compared to your normal daily itinerary. You’ve still managed way more than me though. My day has been similar to the cats!
    Yes definitely autumn. Wet ground and loads of slippery leaves! I think you’re safer in the house on that exercise bike then out there walking. Less chance of slipping and damaging any more bits! Soon be winter and that’ll be yet another year gone!
    Hope the lunch goes well tomorrow. Don’t forget your magic mashing stick. It might save you a bit of time and effort.

  2. 😄 the comment about the arm made me smile!
    Will try to remember the blitzer tomorrow but have no idea what veggies we will be preparing.
    It has been a quieter day, will make up for it on the morning.......
