Thursday 5 September 2019

Good day, short entry as off out!

This morning Tina had a phone call to make after morning prayers so I got on and painted the sign to go with the note card originals on Saturday.
Tina and I set off for Scarborough to have a look round the auction. We both used to love that but always see things we are tempted by. Today was no exception, but we haven’t made any bids ...... yet! The only photo I took there was of a very funky table and bench.
We had dinner t Sainsbury’s, they have a new range of warm salads and they were delicious. Then we shopped at Lidl, always interesting to see what offers they have. We stopped at Scarborough Mere for a cuppa and tea cake, had to take some photos as it was one of my favourite haunts.

We did get some bird food before we left, those swans were not at all timid and we both nearly lost our fingers feeding them!
Nice drive home, had packages to collect from over the road. We unpacked and then flopped down with a cuppa. 
Getting ready to go and see the Lady Boys in Bridlington this evening!


  1. Your sign looks good. Hopefully the notelets will sell well and make them a few quid.
    I like the table and bench. Wonder how much that’ll go for? I bet you won’t manage to get through without making a bid on something. You’ve got to really to make the trip there today worth it 😊
    Nice pics of the mere. I used to like visiting there myself. A really nice walk round, when it wasn’t too muddy. If I remember rightly they did a nice sausage bap too! I also remember the finger hungry swans and geese! I’m sure I stood back and took pics while you risked life and limb with them!
    Should be a good night tonight with the Lady Boys. They do put on a good show, and they’re very glamorous....for blokes 😊

  2. The sign and the originals will hopefully create some interest.
    That was a very big table and benches, I imagine it will go for a good price. I may just put in a bid tomorrow.
    Really was nice to see the mere it rounded off the trip nicely.
    Sadly the Lady Boys had to cancel, I ended up having a long walk on the beach!
