Monday 16 September 2019

Sea and dot art!

A couple of boot sale buys to start today. This jigsaw will be a challenge, but if finished will be a wall one. Very unusual.
I started the garden shed one below it a couple of days ago. I was looking at these quite large knitted toys admiring the work that had gone into them when the lady said I could have them both for three pound! They will come in for a tombola or something, couldn’t resist them at that price.
This morning I walked to the Floral Hall to meet up with David and Sarah for a coffee. The sea was beautiful with th sun on it.

This afternoon I caught the bus up to Freeport, I was looking for things I could use to make the dots in the dot art pictures. I got a pack with a couple of sponges with round wooden handles in which may work. I called in at Woods on the way back to get some dowels as well. Had to get long lengths which they cut in half for me to carry home! Had a bit of a play when I got home, I had painted some shapes this morning.
I went out for a bit this evening and evaded up taking my washing in when it was almost dark, and watering what I could see when it was dark! Before eight in th evening so the nights are really drawing in. The sky was a bit pink!


  1. You are a glutton for punishment when it comes to jigsaws. That one looks a real nightmare, but as you say will look nice on the wall. I can’t believe you only had to pay £3 for those toys. There’s so much work in them! All that effort to end up at a boot sale ☹️
    The sea always looks nice, but it’s amazing the difference just by shooting at two different angles.
    I quite like both of the dot art items, particularly the rabbit. Could you use a pipette to place the dots or do they have to be stamped with dowels etc?
    You are a keen gardener. Watering in the dark! Before you know it it’ll be dark at 4pm. Winter is nearly here. Lots more crafting on the dark evenings.

  2. Thy really were a bargain, must have taken ages.
    The lady teaching the dot art uses dowels, so will go with that for now.
    Wasn’t great tryouts no to see what I was watering, hopefully the new plant got plenty though!
