Sunday 29 September 2019

Taking it Easy!

A short entry today. Apart from going to the shop I have been indoors, it has rained on and off most of the day. That is not the reason, or at least not the main one for not gardening, the pain in my legs is still pretty bad so have kept the walking and standing around to the minimum. I did do some baking while I was getting dinner, but sat down when I could. We had been left some cooking apples so I made pastry for pies for a change, I usually make crumbles. And I made a sponge which turned out okay again.
Tina is visiting a friend tonight and has taken one of the pies with her.
A final picture of the arm, nearly a week since the mishap now and it is fading in the middle. Will go and get the flu jab this week, let’s hope that goes well!
Have changed the bed and done some washing, but other than that nothing much to say.
Looking forward to the Strictly results show and hopefully will have a bit more to say tomorrow.


  1. The pies look delicious. I really am going to have to get up there to see you for a few days, just so I can get to taste you’re great pies and cakes! You may prefer me not to make it up there to save you a bit more cooking 😊
    The arm looks marginally better now, but good luck with the flu jab!
    Not done much myself today, but you’ve still managed more than me!
    Enjoy Strictly.

  2. The pie tasted good, don’t think the cake has been tried yet.
    The arm is on the mend, it has been an ever changing bruise but it really hasn’t been painful.
    The spare room is there for visitors!
