Thursday 26 September 2019

Damp walk then sunshine

This morning I set out fairly early, I went to the post office and then up to look at the sea. Quite atmospheric today in the damp, not that I am complaining, nice gentle rain today.

On the way back I noticed that the pampas grass near the sea are just sprouting. These are well established plants, so the ones I planted this year are not that far behind and doing well.
I called in at a coffee morning and then bought a small plant to take to a lady I had seen yesterday. She gave up tulip plants for the garden last year and I have seen her in town a few times, I only found out yesterday that her husband had recently passed away so thought I would go and see her. We had a chat and drink and hopefully will meet up again.
Apart from doing some shopping I haven’t done much else, although did go to the church with Tina to be there while she had a wedding rehearsal.
The ornamental cabbages are doing well in the front garden and I liked the rain in the middle.
Although I have been a bit achy today I still used the exercise bike and managed twenty two minutes, so going up!


  1. You’ve managed to keep yourself occupied again and without oodles of gardening too, which is good. The sea pics are lovely. I really like the second one, as you say very atmospheric. Even dull damp mornings are good when you live that close to the sea.
    The ornamental cabbage looks nice. I remember a neighbour across the road when I was a lad used to grow them. Some get really huge! I remember he used to grow thistles too. An unusual selection for a front garden, but it always looked good.
    You’re doing really well on the bike. Don’t overdo it though.

  2. So far I am pleased with using the bike, I have had them before and never really stuck at it!
    Although the sea view here isn’t as spectacular as Scarborough it is still lovely to see and can look very different in different conditions.
