Sunday, 22 September 2019

Boot sale and moving stuff around!

Thins morning Darren took me to the boot sale as usual and after our sausage sandwich we had a good wander round. I had been really good and had spent less than two pounds on bits before we started to make our way back for a drink before we came home.
Those bits were fifty pence each and I got a couple of blue glasses for Tina for ten pence each! Then we saw a gate leg table that would b a great crafting   
area and I bought it for ten pounds. I would have to worry about where to put it when I got home.
It was on the landing then but I have made room for it in the bedroom now.
I have done some chores and been shifting stuff around, did get on the exercise bike again today too.
I went out to try and support the sunflower a bit more, as the head is going to get really heavy. It hasn’t quite finished forming the seeds yet.
While I was up the ladder I spotted this very cute little bug, it moved so I had to put the steps round the other side to get a picture, it was on the top leaves.
What a strange little thing!
I went down to cut some courgettes too, only had two plants and only one has been fruiting, but I have had quite a lot and used them to make courgette bread, so can’t be bad!
Should go and do some crafting, but not sure I can be bothered. Will try to make use of the new area though. I did shorten the jeans that Darren bought yesterday, first time I have used the sewing machine in a while.


  1. Not bad for 50p each. You’re doing well for picture frames lately. Good job you have lots of pics that need framing. Nice to have them on show than in a drawer. Sadly that’s where most of mine are, or worse still not even printed! Great table too. Well worth a tenner and lots of room on it for various types of crafting. One less excuse you can use now for not doing any 😊
    The sunflower is doing great. Hope you get some use from the seeds after all the effort it’s gone to to produce them. Amazing plants. Think you’ll find the cute little beetle is a green shieldbug.
    The yellow courgettes always look better than the green ones you mostly see in shops. You’ve at some fair use out of them this year. So much better than gourds!

  2. Thanks for naming the bug. It was very cute. That sunflower centre will grow a bit yet.
    The table is great, am actually using it this evening, starting the first block of the quilt.
    Looks like I will be making more courgette bread this week.
